Avoid Getting Banned by Google Ad Manager | Essential Guide

Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Keeping your Google Ad Manager account compliant with policies is essential to ensure the continuity of your advertising campaigns. One of the most critical steps is to ensure your URL is approved by Google before displaying any ads. Displaying ads without proper approval can be considered fraud, resulting in the blocking of ads on your site. This guide will explore best practices to avoid getting your account banned, focusing on the correct implementation of ads.txt, URL approval before displaying ads, and the new Google guidelines for approval criteria.

New Google Guidelines on Approval Criteria

Google has implemented several changes and improvements in the approval process to increase transparency, security, and platform effectiveness. Here are some of the most relevant changes:

  1. Stricter Policies:
    • Google has adopted stricter policies to ensure that approved sites do not contain misleading, offensive, or harmful content. This includes a more detailed review of content and user engagement practices.
  2. Identity Verification:
    • Google may now require identity verification for site owners. This helps ensure that sites are operated by real, trustworthy individuals.
  3. Traffic Data Transparency:
    • There is a greater emphasis on traffic data transparency, with Google requiring sites to demonstrate that their traffic is legitimate and not generated by bots or other fraudulent practices.
  4. Manual and Automated Reviews:
    • Google uses a combination of manual reviews and automated tools to assess sites. Automated tools help identify common issues quickly, while manual reviews offer a more detailed and contextual examination.
  5. Communication and Feedback:
    • Google has improved communication with site owners, providing more detailed feedback on why a site may not have been approved and what can be done to address the issues identified.
  6. Continuous Compliance:
    • Even after initial approval, Google conducts continuous checks to ensure sites remain compliant with policies. Sites that violate policies after approval may be demonetized or removed from Ad Manager.

For more information on navigating Google Ad Manager challenges, you can refer to this detailed article by Alright.

1. The Importance of ads.txt

The ads.txt (Authorized Digital Sellers) file is an IAB Tech Lab initiative aimed at increasing transparency in the digital advertising ecosystem. This simple yet powerful file plays a crucial role in preventing ad fraud by ensuring that only authorized sellers can sell a site’s digital inventory.

Benefits of ads.txt:

  1. Prevention of Ad Fraud:
    • Ads.txt helps prevent malicious actors from fraudulently selling inventory. Only authorized sellers listed in the ads.txt file can sell the site’s ad space, significantly reducing the possibility of fraud.
  2. Increased Transparency:
    • With ads.txt, advertisers can easily verify who is authorized to sell a site’s inventory, increasing transparency and trust in the media buying process. This helps detect unauthorized sellers and protects advertisers’ investments.
  3. Strengthening Advertiser Trust:
    • Advertisers prefer to invest in platforms where they can trust that their ads will be displayed on legitimate, quality inventory. Having a correctly configured ads.txt demonstrates a commitment to transparent and ethical advertising practices, attracting more advertisers to your site.
  4. Improving Inventory Quality:
    • By allowing only authorized sellers, ads.txt helps maintain the quality of the ad inventory. This ensures that ads are displayed in appropriate contexts, aligned with advertisers’ expectations and Google’s policies.

How to Configure ads.txt in WordPress:

  1. Create the ads.txt File:
    • Open a text editor and create a file named ads.txt.
    • Add your authorization lines in the correct format. For example:
					example.com, 1234567890, DIRECT, google.com
  1. Upload the ads.txt File:
    • Option 1: Using a Plugin:
      • Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
      • Navigate to Plugins > Add New and search for “Ads.txt Manager.”
      • Install and activate the “Ads.txt Manager” plugin.
      • Go to Settings > Ads.txt, paste the authorization lines into the provided field, and save changes.
    • Option 2: Manually via FTP:
      • Use an FTP client to access your site’s files.
      • Navigate to the root folder of your domain.
      • Upload the previously created ads.txt file to this folder.
  2. Verify the Implementation:
    • Access www.example.com/ads.txt to ensure the file is accessible and correctly configured.

2. URL Approval Before Displaying Ads

Approving sites in Google Ad Manager involves a process that ensures sites comply with Google’s policies and maintain a safe, high-quality environment for advertisers and users.

Step-by-Step Guide for URL Approval:

  1. Add the URL in Google Ad Manager:
    • Go to Inventory > Sites and click New site.
    • Add the site’s URL without www or http/https protocols.
  2. Configure ads.txt:
    • On the configuration page, copy the provided line and add it to your ads.txt file.
    • Check the option “The ads.txt file or GPT has been implemented” and click “Request review.”
  3. Wait for Approval:
    • Google may take up to two weeks to approve the URL. Ensure all requirements are met to avoid delays.


Following these guidelines not only helps avoid getting your account banned by Google but also improves the quality and effectiveness of your advertising campaigns. Staying updated with Google’s policies and correctly implementing recommended practices are essential steps for continuous success in your monetization efforts.

Final Tips:

  • Regularly review your ads.txt file and update it whenever you add new advertising partners.
  • Monitor your URLs and request approvals for new URLs before displaying ads.
  • Stay attentive to updates in Google’s policies and adapt quickly to maintain compliance.

For an in-depth guide on Google Ad Manager, you can refer to this internal guide by Alright.

By implementing these practices, you’ll be well on your way to maximizing the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and protecting your digital inventory against fraud.

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