Essential Acceptance Criteria from Alright: Ensuring Your Connection and Monetization

Tempo de leitura: 3 minutos
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In your onboarding journey with Alright, correctly following each step is crucial for the approval of your request and the release of your network code.

To facilitate this process, we have created this document to guide you through each step and understand in detail the acceptance criteria.

Important: To avoid any issues in the process, it is essential to submit your request using the same email as your AdManager account.

Identification: The identification process is carried out automatically by our platform. It is crucial to carefully follow the instructions to provide the requested data correctly. Some factors that may invalidate your request include:

  • The authenticity of the presented documents
  • Having more than one request using the same document
  • Inability to verify your face

To ensure you pass this stage, make sure your environment is well-lit and that your device can take photos. If you are using a desktop without a camera, you will be redirected to complete the verification using your smartphone. It is not possible to submit previously taken photos. Read more here

Certification: The certification process is essential and indispensable to ensure that you have the necessary skills to follow the best practices during your connection with Alright. The certificate must be obtained through using the same email address used in the connection request. Important: Obtaining your certificate does not guarantee you will receive your network code. You must follow all the steps to achieve this.

Invitation: In this step, our media scientists will validate your site based on the following criteria:

  • Your site is active and has AdManager registered.
  • Your content is reliable and follows best practices.
  • The API has been correctly enabled.
  • You have granted admin access to the Alright email.
  • Your invitation status is accepted within AdManager.

Important: The invitation is valid for 48 hours. If not accepted within this period, you will need to request a new connection.

Implementation: After completing all implementations according to our guide and finalizing the implementation of the Google Tag Editor, your site will be ready to start generating revenue.


Attention: Even after correctly completing all the steps, your site may be disconnected without prior notice if your content violates any policy. To avoid this, keep your content relevant and safe for brands to invest in.

Additionally, if your CTR is below 1% or your fill rate shows improper behavior, your AdManager account may be blocked.

Changes in user details may also result in the disconnection of your AdManager.

Following each of these steps correctly is crucial to ensuring your connection with Alright and maximizing your site’s monetization. Remember to carefully review each requirement and stay updated with the best market practices. This will not only facilitate your approval but also contribute to the continuous success of your site.

Revenue Threshold: Maintaining a Minimum Income

As part of our commitment to a successful partnership, it is crucial that your site generates a minimum revenue of $100 over a 30-day period. This threshold is essential for maintaining your connection with Alright. If your earnings do not meet this minimum requirement within the specified timeframe, your account will be subject to automatic disconnection.

We recognize that there may be fluctuations and periods of reduced activity; however, we encourage you to consistently build and enhance your content. This not only ensures compliance with our financial thresholds but also maximizes the potential for revenue generation through your site.

It is important to actively monitor your earnings and make necessary adjustments to your content strategy to meet this criterion consistently. Failure to achieve this revenue threshold is a critical factor in our ongoing evaluation of your partnership with Alright.

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