Don’t Miss Out on Your Earnings: Properly Set Up Your Google AdManager to Receive Payments

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Don’t Miss Out on Your Earnings: Properly Set Up Your Google AdManager to Receive Payments

As a publisher, ensuring that you receive your payments from Google AdManager correctly and without delays is crucial. Incorrect settings can result in withheld payments, which can be frustrating. Here are the necessary steps to properly set up your account and avoid any issues.

1. Identity Verification

When your earnings reach the verification threshold, you will need to verify your personal information. Identity verification is essential to continue running ads and receiving payments. The goal is to confirm the accuracy of the information in your account and protect you against fraud. Learn more about identity verification.

2. Address Verification

When your revenue reaches the verification threshold, Google will send a PIN (Personal Identification Number) by mail to the payment address in your account. You need to enter the PIN in your AdManager account to receive payments. Learn more about address verification.

3. Validate Your Payment Information

  • Payment Account and Payment Profile: Ensure that the data is correctly filled out. Learn more about payment profiles.
  • Payment User: Verify that the payment user details are accurate.

4. Provide Your Tax Information

Depending on your location, you may need to provide your tax information. This is crucial to ensure compliance with local regulations and to receive your payments without any issues. Learn more about providing your tax information.

5. Select Your Payment Method

Depending on the payment address registered in your account, several payment options may be available. The easiest way to select your payment method is to go to Payments, Payment Info, and then add or manage payment methods. Learn more about payment methods.

6. Verify Your Address and Phone Number

When your revenue reaches the address verification threshold, Google will send a Personal Identification Number (PIN) by postal mail to the payment address in your account. You must enter the PIN in your AdManager account before payments can be sent. More details on address and phone number verification.

Common Reasons for Payment Holds

If you do not correctly follow these steps, your account may have a payment hold. Here are some common reasons:

  • Tax Information Not Submitted: Depending on the country of the payment address, Google may require you to provide certain tax information. Check more details on tax information.
  • Payment Method Not Selected: You need to choose how you want your revenue to be paid. Learn more about selecting a payment method.
  • Self-Hold on Payments: If you opted to pause your payments, you need to remove the self-hold to start receiving them again.
  • Account Under Review for Invalid Activity: All accounts are monitored for invalid activity. If your account is under investigation, your payments may be temporarily held.
  • Identity or Address Validation: Payment holds are active throughout the validation process.


Strictly following each of these steps will ensure that you receive your payments efficiently and without interruptions. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, don’t hesitate to consult the official Google AdManager documentation.

Properly setting up your Google AdManager will ensure that your payments are processed smoothly. This not only avoids unnecessary holds but also ensures that you can focus on creating and managing your content efficiently.

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