Important Change in the Academy Starting 06/15

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Starting June 15th, the Academy will undergo a significant change: Our “Google Ad Manager Masterclass: Your Guide from Invitation to Revenue” certification will cost $50 for new enrollees. This change aims to ensure the continued quality and improvement of the content offered, as well as provide platform enhancements.

Since its inception, the Academy has strived to deliver high-quality content that helps publishers maximize their revenue and stand out in the market. With the increased demand and the need to maintain excellence, charging a fee became essential.

This fee will allow investments in:

  • Continuous content updates.
  • Collaboration with renowned experts.
  • Development of new educational technologies.
  • More efficient technical and pedagogical support.

Cooming Soon: New Platform Features With the introduction of fees, the Academy is expanding its features to offer a more complete experience for users. These functionalities will be rolled out following the change.

  • Professional Recommendations: Recommendations of qualified professionals to assist in various areas, from SEO to monetization strategies.
  • New Training Options: In addition to existing courses, new areas of study and specializations will be added, providing a broader range of knowledge.

Essential Certification for Publishers

One of the most important courses offered by the Academy is the “Google Ad Manager Masterclass.” This course is essential for publishers who wish to request the Google AdManager networkcode. Without this certification, it is not possible to complete the registration process in the Alright Onboarding.

Additionally, completing the course does not guarantee that your NetworkCode will be approved, as your site must comply with all Alright and Google guidelines. Read more

Main Questions and Answers

To help clarify the most common questions about the change, we created a FAQ section. Here are some highlighted items:

  • Why did the Academy start charging for courses? Charging ensures the sustainability and continuous improvement of the content offered, as well as providing student support.
  • Will the $50 fee apply to all courses? No, initially only the Google Ad Manager Masterclass course will be paid.
  • Is the “Google Ad Manager Masterclass” course mandatory? Yes, this course is essential for those who wish to request the Google AdManager networkcode. Without certification, it is not possible to complete the registration process on the Google platform.
  • How can I prepare for the change? We are giving advance notice so that everyone can prepare and, if possible, complete the courses for free before the fee implementation.

See all questions and answers

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